AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Articles - Leather Technology Magazine Nº75


Past, present and future of water resistant leather

Mr. Edward Bohres1; Peter Danisch2; Andreas Seitz3
1- BASF SE, edward.bohres@basf.com
2- BASF SE, peter.danisch@basf.com
3- BASF SE, andreas.seitz@basf.com

Past, present and future of water resistant leather

Work presented at the XVII Latin American Congress, Rio, Brasil, 2008


The increasing demand of high quality water resistant leather has led to the development of new waterproofing, high performance products.
In the past, water resistant leather was generally produced with hydrophobic substances, mostly vegetable fats or oils and wax. The resulting leather was water resistant but, unfortunately, it was also less permeable to water vapor. The leather goods obtained were not very comfortable. The water resistant leather qualities could be improved by means of emulsion products in the seventies. The use of new formulas including Silicone Oils led to considerable increase in water vapor permeability. The high oils and paraffin content resulted in some cases in inhomogeneous leather (such as uniformity of dye, adhesion of the finishing, among others.)
These disadvantages could be improved by using polymers, instead of oils or paraffin. This first generation of polymer waterproofing products was relatively unstable in the presence of a very high concentration of electrolytes. It is possible, with the development of new polymers, to formulate more stable waterproofings without sacrificing the water resistant leather’s high technical demands (Maeser-, Bally-test, water permeability, among others.) These crust leathers show excellent uniformity.
Together with the anchorage, it is possible to remarkably facilitate the finishing process.

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