AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Anual Report

Talks and Lectures, Courses, Events, Other activities, Leather Technology Magazine, Library, Membership, Website, Other actions and Institutional activities

Annual Report on activities for the period July 2010 - June 2011

Annual Report on activities for the period July 2009 - June 2010

Annual Report on activities for the period July 2008 - June 2009

Annual Report on activities for the period July 2013 - June 2014




The modality of distance learning courses via the Internet, was successful since its launch, accordingly courses continued during this period ,  adding modules on environmental management systems ,
In the current period  , four distance courses were conducted :

 July 29, 2013
Module II: Development of semi-finished leathers
Duration: 12 weeks
Teachers: Ing Graciela Galego - Jorge Ghiglione - Ing Enrique Santelli.- Students : 11

 August 12, 2013
Liquid effluents from tanneries: physicochemical and biological treatments
Teacher: Ing Raul Sanchez.
Duration: 12 weeks - Students : 19

 June 4, 2014
Liquid Effluent Treatment: Alternative techniques for small tanneries
Duration: 4 weeks
Teacher: Ing Raul Sanchez .- Students : 9

 April 23, 2014
Basic training course in preparation of semi-finished leathers
Teachers: Ing Enrique Santelli, Ing Graciela Galego, Jorge Ghiglione..
Duration: 4 weeks Students : 10


2 Conferences were held:

 May 29, 2014
CONFERENCE: Dehairing without sulfur and hair recovery .
Speaker: Enrique Comes, Cromogenia Units

 September 26, 2013
CONFERENCE: New challenges in Oxidative Dehairing  : latest news about the sustainability of the process
Speaker: Gustavo Defeo


 October 30, 2013
Celebration of the “ Tanner’s Day “  & Ordinary General Assembly 2013
The organization of activities such as conferences and social events were held without hiring external specialized services, and requiring a great effort by the Secretariat and Members of the AAQTIC Board ; on most of them, costs catering, invitations, etc., were covered by AAQTIC, excluding cases of lectures given by chemical companies .

 November 5, 2013
IV National Technical Day of the Tanning Industry: Sustainable Development of Argentina Tanning Industry
It was held in the Conference Room of CIC (Chamber of the Footwear Industry )by courtesy, of that organization . The event was organized and coordinated by the Executive Committee of AAQTIC.
10 presentations were held, and at the closing of the day took place a Round -Table: "Present and Future of Sustainability Tanning Industry in Argentina"
Speakers: Eng . Jorge Garda - Eng Roberto Escobar - Eng Osvaldo Cado - Mr. Marcelo Evandro Kich...
Coordinator - Moderator: Eng.  Martin Gelaf.

Portfolios were distributed with the material of the Day for attendees.
There were a total of 84 attendants .
17 sponsors contributed financially, and also there were 2 media partners.

Other activities

 April 24, 2014
Seminar "Criteria for the classification of Leather", organized by the Chamber of the Footwear Industry in its conference room and dictated by the Course Coordinator AAQTIC, Ing. Graciela Galego.

 November 2013 and May 2014
EXPOCAIPIC, International exhibition of leather, Materials, Components, Technology and Fashion for the Footwear Industry and Similar.
AAQTIC participated in both editions (52 and 53 th )  with an institutional stand at the courtesy invitation of the Organizing Camera: CAIPIC, Argentina Chamber of supplier industries of the footwear industry. On all occasions the Leather Technology Magazine was distributed and AAQTIC activities promoted.

Leather Technology Magazine

During this period two numbers of "Leather Technology"  were edited.

 Leather Technology No. 84. August 2013.
 Leather Technology DIGITAL No. 85. May 2014.

From 2014 Leather Technology stopped circulating on its paper version  to do it digitally. This change was due to the current economic reality: the costs of printing paper and postage are very high , running the risk to incurre in losses
This new form of presentation, can reach more recipients, not only in Argentina but  all around the world, maintaining the usual quality of its contents.
The publication is still driving directly coordinated by the Magazine Commission .Writing tasks, material selection, correction, among others; and coordination of suppliers are performed voluntarily by the Magazine Commission ,  composed of Patricia Casey, Jorge Vergara, Victor Vera, José Barna and Patricio Bigoglio.
Contributions from companies remain invoiced and collected directly by AAQTIC.
Distribution was made to directly and indirectly related persons , chambers and companies. We continued sending the magazine abroad, either for new partners, for exchange, or simple diffusion. Now "Leather Technology" reaches: Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey, India , Japan, United Kingdom, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Germany and Colombia.


The website and its English version, are kept constantly updated, reporting all the news from the Association and related to Leather Industry in general.
The design work since the website was launched, it is performed by a hired external study; but the content and materials are provided by AAQTIC.


Donations received: Book History of the Tanning Industry Argentina, Claudio Salvador
Magazine's annual "World Leather" subscription is renewed.
We continued receiving exchange magazines from Brazil, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, India, Japan, Romania and the UK.



The list of active members is 125 and 15 Honorary Members, having joined in the period, four new members, an one Honorary Member . 3 Partners written off .
Five Protector Members dropped off ; to date, the Association has 23 Protector Members .


Institutional activities

We maintain good relations with the CITEC (INTI-LEATHER), CICA, IULTCS and partnerships with Latin American Associations . Also with CIC, ACUBA, CAIPIC, UCA and with other institutions and universities, including magazines and sharing information with those institutions.
AAQTIC is still a member of the IULTCS, International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies.




Yapeyú 531 | Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CP 1216) República Argentina | Tel./Fax (54 11) 4982-5550