AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Articles - Leather Technology Magazine Nš76


A new antisoiling technology based on a novel polymer system

By Dietrich Tegtmeyer *, Juergen Reiners, Tillmann Hassel, Michael Franken, Stefan Wildbrett, LANXESS Deutschland GmbH, Business Unit Leather, D-51369 Leverkusen, Germany *) author to whom correspondence should be addressed;
e-mail: dietrich.tegtmeyer@lanxess.com

A new antisoiling technology based on a novel polymer system

Work presented at the XVII Latin American Congress, Rio, Brasil, 2008


Anti-soiling finishing is currently one of the most challenging topics in leather technology.
Light-coloured leather articles are en vogue for high-end applications like automotive and furniture upholstery.
The leather surface should resist any type of dirt while maintaining all physical and aesthetical properties. Lots of studies of different types of soilings have shown that this topic seems to be more complex than originally anticipated and a general solution to solve all issues with one formulation is not yet available. We need to differentiate between soiling and cleanability in order to optimize certain performances.
Based on tetrafluoroethene (TFE)-copolymers a new aqueous polymer technology has been developed. Together with properly selected additives it is activated by a polyisocyanate and then applied to the leather surface by using conventional spraying technology.
On curing a fluorinated polyurethane network is generated on the leather surface providing a permanently fixed protective coat. This completely new approach provides a superior, longlasting anti-soiling effect on leather.
Compared to conventional systems the cleanability is improved remarkably, yet all physical properties e.g. Taber resistance, Bally flexes and antisqueak remain unaffected.

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