AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Articles - Leather Technology Magazine Nº77


Magnesium Oxide: a forgotten chemical specialty

Marcelo Fraga de Sousa – Buckman – mfsousa@buckman.com

Magnesium Oxide: a forgotten chemical specialty

Work presented at the 3rd National Technical Symposium of the Tanning Industry, Buenos Aires, November 2010

Marcelo Fraga de Sousa – Buckman –


The use of magnesium oxide as a basifying agent in the tanning process is a highly disseminated practice accepted worldwide.
The role of this product during basification and its importance to finish chrome tanning are undisputable and well-known facts.
However, the tanning industry is not familiar with important characteristics of the Magnesium Oxide (MgO) or the process used to obtain this compound.
Throughout recent years, MgO-based basifying agents have been treated as commodities and negligent treatment has been given to important technical characteristics of this compound.
As a consequence, tanners have lost control of the quality of the basifying agent, posing a risk for the process and especially for the resulting Wet Blue.
Characteristics of Magnesium Oxide, such as the granulometric distribution and surface area of the particles, are important to determine the product reactivity and, consequently, highly relevant to its application as a basifying agent.
The main purpose of this work is to supply Tanners with information to help them optimize the tanning process control.
This work seeks to gather relevant knowledge and information on MgO obtainment, improvement, quality control and application to basification.
Apart from the granulometric distribution and the average surface area of the particles, this work will discuss other aspects and characteristics of MgO that have an impact on the quality of processing and storage of Wet Blue and its interaction with other important chemical auxiliaries in wet processing.

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