AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Articles - Leather Technology Magazine Nš78


Latest developments in non-chrome articles

Enrique Comes1, Olga Ballús1, Ramón Palop1

1Cromogenia Units, S.A, Farell No. 9, Barcelona, Spain,
Telephone: 34-93-2643464,
e-mail: curtidos@cromogenia.com

Latest developments in non-chrome articles

Key Words: Wet white, Aldehydes, Footwear, Upholstery, Physical Resistance


There is a growing demand for the manufacturing of chrome-free leather from the Tanning Industry, especially for footwear and upholstery.
In this study, in the first place, we have optimized the conditions of application of two aldehyde polymers (P.W.W-1 and P.W.W-2).
A W. W. process was developed therefrom, where it is used as a single product.
In the second place, an OPTIMAL retanning process was studied, assessing the influence of 11 synthetic retanning agents, as well as tara and mimosa.
In the third place, and as a consequence of the foregoing, a complete process for non-chrome leather is proposed, which is adaptable to the different articles required.

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