AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Articles - Leather Technology Magazine Nš79


Presentation of ISO 11640: Testing methods for color fastness to rubbing

Hisayoshi SHIOZAKI
General Institute of Leather Technology Research and Testing of
the Osaka Prefecture, 1-18-13, Kishibenaka, City of Suita, Osaka
Published in the Leather Science magazine, Vol. 55, No. 3, pp.
85 – 88 (2009) in Japanese.

Presentation of ISO 11640: Testing methods for color fastness to rubbing

Key Words: fastness, to-and-fro rubbing, ISO 11640, JIS K 6547


ISO11640 is an international standard on the testing methods for leather color fastness to rubbing. Locally in Japan, the method under JIS K 6547 has been employed so far to determine color fastness of leather to rubbing. However, as upon deciding on the former JSG (the eco leather standard currently in force in Japan), ISO 11640 started to be supported as a testing method for color fastness of leather to rubbing, ISO 11640 is also being applied in parallel in order to assess the adaptation of the standard to Japanese eco leather. There is an overall explanation of the ISO 11640 testing method, as well as an explanation of the points to be considered for its application, including the relevant comparison with the JIS testing method. It is pointed out that, if this method is applied, it will be necessary to state in the test result the number of rubbing movements and the load applied, as well as to mention if the leather is wet or dry.

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