AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Articles - Leather Technology Magazine Nš79


Effect of Care Products on Leather Properties

Renate Meyndt*, Heinz Peter Germann
Lederinstitut Gerberschule Reutlingen (LGR), P.O. Box 2944,
72719 Reutlingen, Germany

Effect of Care Products on Leather Properties

Keywords: Leather care; care products; basic components; leather properties


Upholstery leathers for furniture and cars are subjected to intensive wear conditions and therefore, cleaning and care at regular time intervals are necessary or at least, very recommendable. A newly developed procedure was used to compare the effect of different commercially available care products, of their basic components and of several application means. The main influence of care products proved to be on handle, wet and perspiration rub fastness. Odour and in some cases soiling behaviour were affected. Depending on the leather, the effect of the same care product can vary substantially. Carespecific application means proved to be unproblematic.

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