AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Articles - Leather Technology Magazine Nš81

Juanjuan Tan 1, Wenli Peng2, Shaolan Ding1

1 College of Resource & Environments, Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, Xi’an 710021,
Shaanxi, P. R. China
2 Jiaxing University, Jiaxing 314001, Zhejiang, P. R. China

State and Trends of Test Technology on Hygienic Properties for Leather Shoes

Keywords: leather shoes, hygiene property, test


Hygiene properties of leather shoes, which has great influence on health and comfort, mainly contains air permeability, water vapor permeability, hygroscopicity, heat preservation and antimicrobial ability. The developing situation of test technology on hygiene properties of leather shoes is summarized. Natural leather has excellent hygiene properties for its collagen fibers, each hygiene property is not isolated and there are complex relationships between them. But the properties are studied separately basically.
It is necessary to launch an overall point of analyzing and testing hygiene properties of leather shoes. Grey system theory is introduced to determine the weightiness of each factor of hygiene properties, and decide which factor should be improved and which ignored.
The prospect of analyzing the hygiene properties using gray system theory and establishing a testing standard of hygiene properties of leather shoes are forecast.

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