AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association

Articles - Leather Technology Magazine Nº82

Cristina Volzone1 y Carlos Cantera2

1 CETMIC-Centro de Tecnología de Recursos Minerales y Cerámica CONICET CCT
La Plata/CICPBA, C.C.49, Cno. Centenario y 506, (1897) M. B. Gonnet, Argentina. +54 221 4840247
E-mail: volzcris@netverk.com.ar
2 CITEC-Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo del Cuero
C.C. 6, Cno. Centenario 506, (1897) M.B. Gonnet, Argentina. Tel.: +54 221 484 1876
E-mail: ccantera@inti.gob.ar

Waste tannery purification by natural and modified clays. Chromium (III) and dyes adsorptions


Clays are natural minerals abundant in nature with low cost and wide availability throughout of the world. There is extensive literature indicating that such solids can be used as adsorbents for substances in aqueous medium. In this manuscript clays were used for chromium(III) and dyes retentions. Sometime it is necessary to modify the clay according to the characteristics of species chromium (III) or type dye molecules present in solutions.
The clay can receive different treatments (purification, acid, organic, inorganic polycation, thermal,etc.) for improving retention capacity. Bentonite, kaolin and illite clays were used in this study.
The chromium and dyes solutions were prepared at the laboratory and also coming from waste tanning.
This study has demonstrated that natural o modified clays can be potential adsorbent solids and the different degree of retention of chromium (III) or of dyes by clays is a function of its mineralogical composition, its properties and physico-chemical treatment applied to the natural clay which can be effective to multiply its capacity.

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