AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association




Editorial nº 72
Leather Technology Magazine


50 years of our Magazine

In June 1960, the then newly created AAQTIC made a great step forward by starting to publish its own periodical under the name “Magazine of the Argentine leather industry chemists and technicians association”.
For a magazine, 50 years is a remarkable achievement which invites to reflection. We will take advantage of the Guide recently published by the Argentine Association of Technical and Specialised Press (APTA) to give a rough statistical picture: approximately 50% of industry-related publications began between the 1970s and the 1990s, 20% –including our magazine– were started before 1970, and the remaining 30% were born during the last decade, showing the expansion of the publishing sector.
The 20 percent which appeared before 1970 comprise mainly magazines published by institutions, associations, institutes, and the like.
These magazines, as we all know, do not pursue breaking news, so they are not short-lived. They are collected as a source for consultation, since they contain information, studies and analyses that can be valuable long after their publication.
When our magazine was launched in 1960, its format was smaller and it was printed in black and white. Its initial editorial was already republished in our issues number 61 and 71.
As stated in the first annual report –reproduced in our previous issue– AAQTIC originally had about 100 members. However, 200 copies of the magazine were published so that it could be distributed to libraries, colleague associations, and so on.
More than 50 years have passed since then. Over 20 years ago, the magazine adopted its present name, “Leather Technology”, and a larger format. Since 7 years ago, it has been published in full colour. The print-run is now between 1500 and 2000 copies, that is to say, 10 times more than at the beginning. Curious as it may seem, the current number of association members is not much higher than it was 50 years ago.
The contacts we make to deal with the publishing of foreign articles –concerning either technical issues or leather centres– are used to distribute our magazine to several institutions on a regular basis.
This action, aimed at utilizing the magazine as an institutional means of dissemination both locally and abroad, was in fact one of the original objectives. However, for various reasons, it was completely lost. That goal is slowly being reestablished and the magazine currently reaches specific recipients in Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, USA, Italy, Spain, Germany, Turkey, and now, Japan. And, of course, it is also sent to chambers, associations, universities, and centres in our country.
The present issue includes, for the first time, the translation of an interesting article originally published in Japanese language. In this connection, we take the opportunity to thank translator Dora Matsubara, who has contacted us with the Japanese Leather Association and helped us ensure they receive regularly our magazine.

Our purpose is to continue adding new distribution destinations, to the extent our resources permit.
We find abstracts of our published works reproduced in peer magazines from abroad or references included in data banks. They prove the interest taken in these exchanges, which are enriching for all.
Moreover, an important number of factories located in the interior of our country have been reached.

Going back to the contents of this issue, we feature several works focused on the retanning area which were presented at the 2nd Technical Symposium in November 2008.
As regards research works, it is rather surprising that we are able to publish regularly several of them in each issue while at the same time attempting to cover different fields. Most of the source material comes from presentations made at the Symposia or at AAQTIC’s office building, works from CITEC or from congresses held abroad and, in specific cases, articles published by peer magazines, with their prior authorization.
Some years ago, it was customary to find statements in annual reports which pointed to the scarcity of original works that could be published in the magazine. Probably, the politics our association has followed during the last years, aiming at organising biannual symposia and encouraging the presentation of works at our premises, has brought about that we now have a good number of works available, since the authors, before or after presenting them, make additional efforts to provide materials that are worthy of publication in our magazine, which in turn adds value to their presentation.
Furthermore, the reestablishment of the policy of selecting works from foreign congresses and having them translated into Spanish –something that was common years ago– allowed us to compensate for topics less frequently dealt with in local presentations.
In addition, the feedback between the magazine and the web site, and since recently the digital newsletter as well, helps us disseminating the activities and publications.
Certainly, we know there are still areas which require coverage and, to the extent of our possibilities, we are addressing them.
The summary of these last years can be expressed, in cold figures, as follows: 123 issues published in the original format till 1998; 72 issues published in the current format as “Leather Technology”. 195 issues altogether, errors and omissions excepted.
This is the result of the endeavour of many people who disinterestedly provide their collaboration.
Finally, after 50 years our magazine not only keeps on going, but it seeks to continue improving in every way. Then again, this is not an achievement of the magazine by itself, but the consequence of joint efforts that promote the activity and participation in AAQTIC.

Yapeyú 531 | Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CP 1216) República Argentina | Tel./Fax (54 11) 4982-5550