AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association




Editorial nº 74
Leather Technology Magazine


Format and topics renewed

This issue includes the latest work presented in the 2nd Tanning Symposium in paper format on the application of micro-capsules. In addition, we provide the names of the works for the next Symposium, to be held in November.
Our next issue will include their abstracts and will serve as a guide to the Symposium.
In this way, we consolidate our goal to hold biannual Symposiums, and to publish the works in the issues yet to come.
We keep following our usual lines. As we said before, some of them may not always be included, as we may alternate one with the other.

This number includes the presence of leather on the web, but the method is different: leather on the web, but in city “maps”, on the Buenos Aires web; maps that are, in fact, aerial photos. Zooming in into the 1940 “map” and getting close enough to make out tanneries such as Sagazola or Sieburger, you will find patent leather drying in the sun.
The Tokyo Institute is present through an article from the Japanese Association magazine. We keep using this as a source of translations to be published, reviewed or used for any other convenient purpose.
We keep including Trends, Statistics (in this number, we focus on the circumstances of reduction in slaughtering and in the number of bovine cattle) and Interviews to our early members, who are still with us in one way or another.

Some topics have closed a cycle, and they will no longer be published, while others will begin a new one. “Evoking…”, a section that has been with us since 2007, republishing articles from our first issues, has come to an end. However, we start a new section called “Did you know…?”, with very short reviews of recently coined terms that are worth explaining. This new section opens with “Did you know what endocrine disruptors are?”
Back to technical articles: there is a contribution from LACOURO, Brazil, about the possible formation of hexavalent chromium, as well as the only Argentine work presented in the recent Chinese Conference about the classification of wet blue sorters, developed by the team of our Vice President, Ms. Patricia Casey, with Fonseca.

This is the topic of our cover.
Considering some suggestions from our readers, from members of our Committee and from the team of the professionals in charge of our different tasks, we have been renewing the format of our cover, the summaries and the footers, especially in order to improve the bibliographic identification and the readability of all sections.
The presence of tanneries photos is a major concern that has been solved: our next issues will include shots that are part of an important collection finished recently with a view to enriching our articles and covers, as well as courses, web sites, and so on.
In summary, we have renewed the content and format of our magazine to gradually keep providing satisfaction to our readers.
We will be waiting for you all in the 3rd Symposium.

Yapeyú 531 | Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CP 1216) República Argentina | Tel./Fax (54 11) 4982-5550