AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association




Editorial nº 83
Leather Technology Magazine



Same as the end of every year leads us to carry out balances, when a year starts, in general, we feel renewed. We have before us a "new" and promising time to live. We make plans, which, if met, allow us to realize our dreams.
Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, gave an emotional speech in 2005 at the graduation ceremony at Stanford University.
One of the passages that shock me most is the one that relates to the finite the time we have to live, to
do and find what we love, is.
He told graduating students: "Your time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else's life. Do not
be trapped by dogmas - which would be living with the results of other people's thoughts -Do not let the noise of other people opinions drown your own inner voice; and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition as they somehow know what they want you to become. Everything else is secondary."
The current members of AAQTIC Commission Board and those who integrated it before we do, give
some of our private time to keep our Association alive, to communicate technological advances and
new developments in the leather industry, to transmit to new generations the experiences and knowledge we accumulated for many years.
This year, we intend to organize a Conference whose main subject will be the relationship between
the Leather Industry and Environmental care.
As we know these are difficult times to get business sponsors, we will grant privilege to the academic
level of the guest speakers and presentations‘ contents, over the social organization of the event.
Our idea is to have an excellent Conference with an austere organization, affordable to everyone who
wants to attend.
I invite all AAQTIC associates to collaborate in the organization of the conference, to spread this news
and participate in all the activities we will organize this year.
Do not let us be defeated by discouragement or lack of enthusiasm, we have a full year ahead of us
to reach our goals.

Lic. Patricia Casey - Presidente

Letter from the editor

I was going through and amending the editorial for this magazine, which subject were the initiatives promoted world wide by the Global Leather Coordinating Committee, when an unexpected news shocked me, same as it did to many of my fellow citizens: for the first time in history not a European Pope but a South American one, had been elected. To astonish us even more; The Pope is Argentine.
Cardinal Bergoglio, who until recently was Primate of the Argentine Catholic Church, had been designated by his colleagues to be Pedro’s successor.
Apart from the creed our relatives, friends, colleagues, profess (or not) we all felt very happy and a
fresh and renewing breeze surrounded us, same as it happens when you wake up in the morning after a bad sleeping night because of the problems and concerns in our thoughts but we open the window and feel fresh air in our face and see the sun rising once again as a promise of Nature that nothing is dark and disturbing for ever.
“You looked for a Pope at the end of the world” said Bergoglio and I felt that words express the feeling
of many Argentines, not as a reference to our unquestionable geographical location, because, even
though Argentina has been and is a birthplace of intellectuals, scientists, business and sport men, outstanding around the world, sometimes, ups and downs of our daily history, make us feel anonymous, invisible, far away from everything.
By then, I reiterated by belief that “nothing happens by chance” and may be Argentines were in need of a strong shake to recover the confidence in ourselves and on what we are able to do.
We needed to go out of the world anonymity, not because of discouraging or conflictive news but because one of our fellow citizens talks to all of us on Earth, about being humble, jointly involved and really worried for those who have less, helping them to recover their dignity, succeeding as human beings by means of the culture of work and not to quarrel among brothers but to walk together, accepting each other with our differences and to care for the planet and our environment thus making it a better place to live in.
I fervently wish this to happen and that what our National Anthem states is accomplished:

To the great Argentine people, blessings !

We deserve it.

Lic. Patricia Casey - Presidente

Yapeyú 531 | Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CP 1216) República Argentina | Tel./Fax (54 11) 4982-5550