AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association




Editorial nº 85
Leather Technology Magazine



I'm not a writer and it is hard for me to do it. For some reason I chose studying Exact Sciences. When
the time to sit and think about the contents of the editorial comes, I have to admit I feel overwhelmed.

I want to find the best words, choosing them to build a sufficiently effective message to convey my
thoughts, desires and projects about IULTCS and AAQTIC but I do not know if I always succeed.

What I do know clearly is that the passion I feel for my work encourages me to do so and it has been like this since many years ago.

Anyway, I'll try again: the subject of this editorial will be "How to enrol more members to join us in the work of various AAQTIC committees".

What mechanisms of seduction -understand this word as the ability to generate engagement and interest- could I use to reactivate our Association, to go back to the same level of activities we used to have 10 -15 years ago?

Many people tell me times have changed and that is true. The chemical suppliers that traditionally were
key gear motors that drove the activities developed at AAQTIC, are being reconverted and some of them have decreased their activity level in our country.

Moreover, only a few chemists and technicians working at the tanneries can spend a few hours per week or month, to attend courses, lectures and / or conferences, neither as students nor as teachers.
At that point in my thoughts, I suddenly remind what I learned a few years ago in an Ontology Language course I attended named "Language creates reality". To look at what happens to us as a problem, means to see only a part of what happens. The other possibility would be to see which is revealed as a possibility.

I think we can reverse the current situation we are facing at AAQTIC by becoming an "OFFER" to our
beloved Argentina Leather Industry.

If we can detect what the current needs of our partners are, what topics are of interest to those working in this industry, for sure AAQTIC will recover the enthusiasm and passion that inspired those who founded it. I will not make names as I fear to forget some dear colleagues / friends and also I’m afraid I will feel sad.

They transcended, left their mark in our industry and that’s the reason why we remember them. Ourselves, AAQTIC current partners, also need to leave our trace. To overcome discouragement, recover the interest and desire to participate. To convene young people from Argentina and Latin America to join AAQTIC. They bequeath our knowledge and experience and enrich us with their fresh and innovative ideas. Is there a better way to TRANSCEND?

I invite you to implement a thought of Antoine de Saint Exupery, author of The Little Prince: "Turn reality
into dreams and dreams into reality."

Hopefully next time, when I sit down to write the editorial for the last issue of the 2014 magazine, I
will not have trouble describing all the hits that, together, we have achieved this year.

Lic. Patricia Casey - Presidente

Yapeyú 531 | Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CP 1216) República Argentina | Tel./Fax (54 11) 4982-5550