AAQTIC Argentine Leather Industry Chemists and Technicians Association




Editorial nº 87
Leather Technology Magazine



I am at Dallas airport, waiting for the flight to take me to Tokyo and from there to Okayama to attend the X Asian International Conference on Science and Technology of Leather and am taking this opportunity to finish my letter, which I started writing in Buenos Aires, but could not finish due to lack of time. Is it be lack of time or I need (or want) to do too many things every day?

This is my farewell letter as AAQTIC President, position I hold for four years, until the end of last October. I did not mention my trip to Japan for ostentation, but because I was thinking (or perhaps making a mental balance) on how grateful I am to my profession, since, among other things, it allowed me to travel, visiting countries far away from Argentina and making friends not only in my country but around the world.

I joined AAQTIC, if I recall well, about 35 years ago and started working at the Magazine´s Committee which was headed by beloved Dr. Lucía Fernández Crespo.
And I continued, first as a member of the Executive Committee, then as Vice President whilst the President was another dear friend: Ruben De Bonis, whom I always remember with love and respect for his integrity and outstanding moral conditions.

At that time, I attended the Executive Committee meetings with any of my three children, who used to make mischief under the table at the boardroom. If I compare those times with today, the difference appears immediately: It is the large number of active members AAQTIC had and the high degree of participation of the same in the various committees and activities that were organized at our headquarters.

Today we are much less and also the degree of participation is much lower. We need to incorporate more partners, especially young people who want and commit to work especially at the Courses and the Magazine commissions which are the ones currently active.

Whilst the number of tanneries and chemicals suppliers in our country has declined, they have not decreased as much as the interest in participating in AAQTIC has.
This is not a melancholic or pessimistic point of view but it’s a realistic one.

We have to find ways to reach and attract more people, we need to call those working at the tanning industry and its value chain in our country.
With today's media, the distances are not an obstacle to keep in touch. I call upon all who read this letter to approach AAQTIC. No matter the amount of time available to face some activity. Send us your ideas and proposals. We need them.

Thanks to all colleagues, friends and companies who collaborated with AAQTIC during my tenure. Please continue supporting the new Board of Directors, its management success depends not only on the desire they have to do things but also on the support and commitment of all AAQTIC partners.

Lic. Patricia Casey - Presidente

Yapeyú 531 | Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CP 1216) República Argentina | Tel./Fax (54 11) 4982-5550